
Bram Goossens

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Holmes 11x30sec TMB 350D

20071113 Holmes 11x30sec TMB 350D.jpg 20071114 100x30sec TMBThumbnails20cm ATM newton telescope on EQ620071114 100x30sec TMBThumbnails20cm ATM newton telescope on EQ620071114 100x30sec TMBThumbnails20cm ATM newton telescope on EQ620071114 100x30sec TMBThumbnails20cm ATM newton telescope on EQ620071114 100x30sec TMBThumbnails20cm ATM newton telescope on EQ620071114 100x30sec TMBThumbnails20cm ATM newton telescope on EQ620071114 100x30sec TMBThumbnails20cm ATM newton telescope on EQ6

Comet Holmes 11x30 sec exposure time with Canon 350D and 115mm TMB on EQ6.
